Thank you for registering for the FNS Module One 7-Day Trial. You will have 7-day access to our course notes and videos for Module One Day 1. You may register for the complete Module One course at any time by going to our website, or by visiting THIS LINK. You will also receive email reminders after 4-days to sign up for the complete course.
Browser update: Please note that javascript is now required in the privacy settings/content setting of your browser, otherwise you may not be able to access the FNS website. Javascript enabled is the default setting for all new browsers. Please update to the newest version of your preferred web browser.
Please check your email, including your junk or spam folder, for an invoice and a Important Login Info: FNS Module… email. This email contains your login information for the course website and verifies your registration was successful. This email should arrive in less than 30 minutes.
Log in NOW!
Once you find your Important Login Info: FNS Module… email:
- SAVE your log in information where you know you can find it!
- BOOKMARK the course website, preferably to your toolbar!
You need to log in to the course website immediately to verify your user name and password are active. To avoid log in problems with some passwords containing questionable characters, please copy and paste your password into the log in form.