Introduction to Functional Neurology Seminar Modules

CLICK HERE FOR INSTANT ONLINE REGISTRATION Thank you for joining Functional Neurology Seminars (FNS). The rates of brain-related disorders are alarmingly high today and steadily growing. Both conventional and alternative forms of medicine have been caught off guard and are ill equipped to effectively manage a mushrooming patient population. Functional Neurology Seminars will teach you…

How to perform a Comprehensive Examination of the Peripheral Nervous System

CLICK HERE FOR INSTANT ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION Detailed examination of the peripheral nervous system is presented in this course with examination forms, multiple real-life clinical examples, and case studies. The seminar attendee should leave the course with an organized set of skills to perform a competent and meaningful exam. How to perform a Comprehensive Examination of…

How to perform a Comprehensive Examination of the Central Nervous System

CLICK HERE FOR INSTANT ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION Detailed examinations of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and brainstem are presented in this course with examination forms, multiple real-life clinical examples, and case studies. The seminar attendee should leave the course with an organized set of skills to perform a competent and meaningful exam. How to perform a Comprehensive…

Basal Ganglia and Hyperkinetic Disorders with Applications

CLICK HERE FOR INSTANT ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION Clinical manifestations of anxiety, hyperactivity, tics, dystonia, chorea, and restless leg syndrome involve disease of the basal ganglia indirect pathway. This course presents differential diagnosis of hyperkinetic movement disorders and their mechanisms, as well as a detailed review of basal ganglia neurophysiology and clinical expression. Focus will be on…

Basal Ganglia and Hypokinetic Disorders with Applications

CLICK HERE FOR INSTANT ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION Clinical manifestations of slowness, stiffness, resting tremor, depression, and cognitive impairment involve diseases of the basal ganglia direct pathway that include Parkinson’s disease and Parkinsonism. Differential diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease and other Parkinsonism disorders will be provided. This course presents a detailed review of basal ganglia neurophysiology and clinical…

Neurology Eye Movements for Diagnosis and Treatment Applications

CLICK HERE FOR INSTANT ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION Examination of eye movements can help identify various pathologies of the brain. A review of eye movement neurology and its role in various neurological diseases and dysfunction of the brain will be discussed. The focus of this course is using eye movement for diagnosis and clinical treatment modalities. Each…

Central Vestibular Disorders and Cerebellum Disorders with Applications

CLICK HERE FOR INSTANT ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION This course presents clear clinical guidelines to distinguish peripheral versus central vestibular disorders with exam forms and flow charts. The emphasis is on the role the cerebellum plays in brain function and how to identify cerebellum dysfunction and disease. This course provides a detailed review of metabolic, autoimmune, immunological,…

Peripheral Vestibular Disorder and Cerebellum Disorders with Applications

CLICK HERE FOR INSTANT ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION Dizziness, posture instability, poor balance, vertigo, and nausea are all common chief complaints in clinical practice. Many times these symptoms are the consequence of disease, dysfunction, or maladaptation of the peripheral vestibular system. This course provides a detailed review of the vestibular canals and otolithic system, as well as…

Identifying the Most Common Neurodegenerative Diseases and Clinical Applications

CLICK HERE FOR INSTANT ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsonism, dementia, and other protein aggregation disorders impact the aging population. However, early clinical signs can occur as early as the third decade of life. This course teaches clinicians how to identify early patterns of neurodegenerative diseases and implement strategies to prevent progression and improve…

The Initial Clinical Survey and How to Identify the Lesion Before the Examination

CLICK HERE INSTANT ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION A skilled practitioner can often identify the segmental areas of lesion before starting the examination. An evaluation of handwriting from office forms, gait analysis, facial tone, eye and head position, pupil responses, speech, muscle tone, limb angulations, and other signs in combination with a medical history provide significant information to…